We offer a unique and environmentally responsible alternative for disposal of the waste products we collect.
Our primary means of disposal is called land spreading or the recycling of septage to be used as a beneficial nutrient for various crops grown in this region. It also serves to revitalize soils that do not produce or grow well. We own and operate the specialized equipment necessary to complete the process.
We are a leader in the state in re-purposing septage waste for beneficial use in agricultural needs. Through the use of TerraGators and specially modified plows, we incorporate the nutrients into the soil. This reduces the farmers’ need for synthetic fertilizers, which helps to reduce the costs of farming. This process also helps to replenish the available underground water supply.
Working closely with the M.P.C.A., the University of Minnesota, and the local country regulators, we strive to make this process the best, cleanest and “greenest” possible option to septage management.
We work closely with the proper county inspectors, soil professionals from the University of Minnesota and the farmers or landowners of the sites that we work on.
We are M.P.C.A. Certified Type 4 Operator for the land application of biosolids. We work closely with the County regulators, the M.P.C.A. and the U of M Extension Service on this process.

Land spreading is a renewable resource and a truly "green" option, utilized extensively in most outlying towns and cities throughout the United States and European Countries.

Land spreading reduced the amount of Chemical fertilizer used.

Land spreading is "green" recycling utilized by all who use our company to pump septic tanks.

Land spreading is a great way to help farmers reduce time and costs, replenish the ground water and restore nutrients that have been stripped from the soil from years of farming.
What our customers are saying about us.
Emergency Service Contact: 651-261-1562 or 651-315-3304