Smilie's Sewer Service is a one-stop-shop for all your septic needs from complete installation to septic system maintenance and repair. We perform regular maintenance and emergency service for septic tanks, lift station tanks, holding tanks, and the effluent treatment site. We also offer septic system installation or upgrades including in-ground systems such as drain fields or pressure beds and mound systems.
Smilie's Sewer Service provides service to the greater Twin Cities metro area, including cities just outside and north of the seven-county metro area.
Sometimes, your system needs more than just pumping to restore it to its proper operating state. We are able to diagnose the problem, explain the proper repair needed, and offer an estimate to complete the necessary repair.

Owners Jim Vaughan and Keith Valento
*Licensed, Bonded, and Insured

Smilie’s Sewer Service now offers full septic system installation/replacement or upgrades. Whether you are building a new house, have an existing house in need of a septic system upgrade or replacement, or have a house with an older non-compliance septic system that needs to be replaced before selling your house. Smilie’s Sewer Service will be ready to assist you from the start of your process to the finish. Once the decision has been made to invest in a new or upgraded septic system, we will help you find the best septic system design company to suit your needs. We work closely with all the professional designers and know the geographical areas that each designer prefers to work in. After a professional design is complete, we can give you a free estimate on building a new septic system according to the design.
A new septic system is a large investment and we want to make sure you understand the process from start to finish. If you choose Smilie’s Sewer Service to install or upgrade your septic system, we will meet you on-site to go over any final arrangements or concerns you may have about the process.
We pride ourselves on building you a trouble-free septic system that will protect your family, all clean water sources, and provide many years of safe, reliable service.
Owning your own onsite waste water treatment system requires a service provider that is pro-active and not just reactive when it comes to your family’s health and lifestyle. We make suggestions to the frequency of pumping and several other factors pertaining to the contents of the septic tank. Smilie’s prides itself on helping you protect your investment in your septic system.
What our customers are saying about us.
Emergency Service Contact: 651-261-1562 or 651-315-3304